- Modular Top Right 2u Blocker:
- The Zoom75 EE features a swappable 2u module on the top right for you to further customize the board to your specifications. This module could be replaced with a color LCD, knobs, two-keys, and badges. Experience your Zoom75 your way.
- Engraving
- The Zoom75 EE is highly customizable, featuring 15 standard colors, and four special colorways (anodized black, anodized orange, anodized lavender, and E-white) which also include an engraved telescope design adjacent to the arrow keys!
- Customizable Knobs:
- Fully customize how you interact with your computer. Knobs allow you to adjust volume, change brush size, and scroll with ease. The Zoom75 provides numerous knob options. The knobs are also interchangeable with the Zoom65 series!
- Customizable Badges:
- Looking for something more subtle? The Zoom75 offers 11 different badge styles for you to choose from.
- Tri-mode PCB:
- Use your Zoom75 EE with your PC, laptop, tablet or even your phone - all without any wires thanks to Bluetooth 5.0 and 2.4GHz support. You can also use the keyboard in wired mode if that's what you prefer!
- Gasket-mount:
- The Zoom75 EE uses a gasket isolation mount structure for a soft, bouncy, and pleasant typing experience that won't fatigue your fingers during extended use. Gasket mount keyboards also sound better and distribute pressure more evenly throughout the board compared to the typical off-the-rack tray mount keyboards.
- Gasket Sleeves:
- The Zoom75 EE features gasket sleeves made of unique supercritical foam which is able to both stabilize the plate as well as provide adequate spacing for flex. This results in a typing experience that's well-balanced and neither too stiff or soft.
- Various Plate Materials:
- The Zoom75 EE is highly customizable featuring numerous plate options including brass, aluminum, and FR4. Fully customize your typing experience with the Zoom75 EE. Please note, additional plates are sold separately.
- Hot-swappable:
- The Zoom75 EE PCB features hot-swap sockets which allows you to easily swap your switches, no soldering required! Changing switches is a breeze, you can go from linears to tactiles in a matter of minutes, all on the same keyboard!
- Multi-layout:
- Unlike traditional keyboards, you're not stuck with just one layout on the Zoom75 EE! Change things up every now and then with split backspace, left shift, and spacebar! You can also switch between normal and stepped caps lock or ANSI and ISO enter.
- WS Stabilizer V3:
- The Zoom75 EE features new stabilizers that have been under development for almost a year. They utilize soft TPU around the wires to achieve better performance even with minimal lubing.
- Included Foam:
- The Zoom75 EE Kit comes with an array of foams in the kit for those who like a dampened, refined sound. This iteration features PORON that is lighter, but with foam pores that are denser resulting in a more concentrated and deeper sound. Feel free to experiment with different combinations, or use none of them at all!
- VIA Compatible:
- The Bluetooth PCB is fully compatible with VIA, the powerful GUI widely renowned for it's customizability and ease of use. Remap any key on the keyboard on 4 different layers, including the knob. Use built in powerful shortcuts and macros, or define your own!
- Battery Included:
- Every Zoom75 Essential Edition comes with a Li-ion battery included in the kit. The battery should last 6-8 weeks between charges under normal use. Once it's out of charge simply connect your keyboard to your PC / laptop using the included USB-C cable.
- Included Extras:
- The Zoom75 EE comes with almost everything you need to put together your first keyboard, including an USB-C cable, premium WS stabilizers, and carrying case. All you need are switches and keycaps of your choice to build the ultimate keyboard that's uniquely yours.
- Gasket mount design
- Layout: 75%
- Typing angle: 5°
- Front height: 22.14 mm
- Top case material: Aluminum
- Essential Editions: Electrostatic coated
- Special Editions: Anodized, and E-White
- GT Silver: Nano-coated
- Bottom case material: Aluminum
- Essential Editions: Electrostatic coated
- Special Editions: Anodized, and E-White
- GT Silver: Nano-coated
- Weight material: Aluminum or SS
- Knob material: Aluminum or Brass
- Default plate: Polycarbonate
- PCB Specifications:
- Bluetooth PCB polling rate: 125hz
- 2.4GHz polling rate: 1000hz
- Wired polling rate: 1000hz
- Per-key RGB
- 1.2mm thickness with Ai03 daughterboard
- Weight:
- Essential kit with aluminum knob/ weight / glass mirror back-plate: 1.74 kg
- Essential kit with brass knob / PVD SS weight / glass mirror back-plate: 2.03 kg
- Essential kit with aluminum knob / weight / PVD back-plate: 1.87 kg
- Essential kit with brass knob / PVD SS weight / PVD back-plate: 2.15 kg
- Internal SS weight: 0.358 kg
- Dimensions: 323.6 x 145.78 x 34.73 (mm)
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